Lidka. Standa. Anička. Blanka. Ilča. Radana. Martin.Broňa. Eliška. Která mi sice přímo nenapsala, že ji miluje, místo toho ale stvořila napínavý příběh ze života v perfektní angličtině. Musela jsem smeknout. Takže trochu ji asi ráda má 🙂
A co na angličtině mají rádi? Sdílím pár postřehů. Milé osobní vzkazy jsem si s dovolením nechala pro sebe a moc za ně děkuji.
What do I love about English? So easy… It is a language which is all around us. At first, it wasn’t love, but I felt the need to speak in English. I was a “hillbilly” from the village and my level was „Let me introduce myself”. My source of English back then – Mr Prokop and his wife in the blue textbook for language schools. Why do I keep studying? This is easy peasy lemon squeezy. I just want to be better and better. I basically understand when the conversation is simple. It was my goal ten years ago. Now I want to get higher levels and better skills.
This language is also a language of great politicians, writers, philosophers, scientists and a lot of other people whom we can (and also should have to) admire for their work, lives, thoughts. They could be an inspiration for us. For me, it is Henry David Thoreau, for example, and I think you might like him, too.
In September, I bought a notebook where I regularly write notes, new words and phrases. Every evening, I enjoy listening to videos from Broňa, Kuba or other English teachers on YouTube. I found a few interesting websites, for example, Oxford Online English or Spotlight. I downloaded the mobile phone apps BBC English learning and Newsinlevels, there are my favourite apps. Every day I have to read or listen to at least one article. Clever and hardworking classmates are a big motivation for me because I can discuss various interesting topics with them – in English!
l have been in love with English since I started to have lessons with Lenka. She is the first teacher who teaches me in a funny, practical, natural and easy way. With her, I started to feel comfortable. Hand in hand with assurance, my love with English turned up. Now I watch English videos, interviews, news and films in English without troubles, I enjoy meetings with foreigners and I love it despite my mistakes. The best way how to be in connection with this language every day is by watching short videos every day. For example, YouTube is full of videos with interesting content and you can subscribe to the channels.
I fell in love with English after the velvet revolution when I could see this language everywhere. I studied very hard, paid for private lessons. Now I study English mainly to be able to use it for travelling because I prefer arranging holidays on my own. I like the way we learn and meeting interesting classmates 🙂
I don’t know when I fell in love with English. I used to hear songs in English when I was young. But it was not common to learn English at that time. I want to learn it for my private life. It’s useful. I go abroad several times a year. I have to arrange accommodation, rent a car, transport etc. Speaking and understanding help me solve troubles. It makes me more self-confident. Learning English is easier now. I like watching and listening to interviews with sportsmen and other interesting people. You sent us an interview with one of the judges on a baking competition, Mirka Slavíková. Very interesting. I like the weekly news roundup and many other videos. I look forward to your choices. I would like to keep up with the girls in my group and keep my brain fresh. I will do my best. I know, I can always do more. I enjoy our lessons for a friendly and funny atmosphere. Your hospitality is great, especially coffee.:-D. Many thanks for your activities.
Maybe I am crazy. I told myself: in my old age, oh shit. I keep studying because I can´t stop. It´s like cycling. Several times, I have said: the end. But then, I do it again and again. With a new language – new thoughts, new meanings, new views. By the way, English helps me survive in our country 🙂
Takže tak. Co člověk, to jiný pohled. Jako ve všem. Moc vám děkuji, že jste si udělali čas, sedli si a jen tak zapřemýšleli. Udělali jste mi radost.
Slíbila jsem třem vylosovaným knižní odměnu. Rozhodla jsem se ale odměnit všechny, kteří mi napsali. Ve vylosovaném pořadí od prvního do posledního si můžete vybrat, která odměna se vám bude líbit nejvíc a doufám, že ji plně využijete, hlavně tu “speciální” se symboly Londýna. Za ni děkuji mé studentce Jiřině, která mi ji věnovala. Berte to trochu jako nadsázku, ale – proč ji nevyužít ještě jinak – jako každodenní připomínku naučit se jedno slovíčko, poslechnout si jedno video, přečíst si jeden článek. Třeba mi dáte posléze vědět, jak se vám dárky podařilo využít.
A jaké je pořadí vylosovaných? Díky mému synovi, který jména vylosoval “one by one”. Mám i video, abyste viděli, že vše proběhlo „fair-play“. Ale to jen na vyžádání 🙂
Krásný březen všem a buďte co nejdál od paniky a stresu, stay calm and healthy!